

Robotics is the branch of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots, as well as computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing...

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Robo Vidya

Robo Vidya Dedicated to providing Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) as a means to student experience that enable individuals to reach their full potential while they develop the knowledge and skills vital to success in the 21st Century...

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Benefits to student

We are living in a technology rich world. Science and technology are extremely popular with learners of today; they are also pathways to career opportunities in the future.It is widely accepted among worldwide educationists that to work and operate in the learning environments of today...

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Logic Building & Programming. Self Learn Programming

Program building robots aims to help students develop logic building and critical thinking skills at a very young age. Our in-house developed cloud based Think software enables students to program robots easily through simple drag and drop technique. Watching the output of the program in action form makes debugging programs easier and motivate students to self learn programming by developing varied programs for the same problem statement.

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Hands-on Learning & Engagement. See for yourself.

It has been observed that learners of all ages enjoy hands-on construction activities. Robotics provide a context for inquiry and discovery, leading students become active problem solvers and to engage in their own learning. The aim of hands on experience with engineering and mechanics provided in the robotics class is to put students in the role of creating and designing with information technology and not just using and consuming it.

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Robotics is FUN. Checkmate.

An important reason for robotics to be integrated into contemporary learning environment is that it is FUN! After observing and working with thousands of students from grade 4 to grade 8 in our year long program-RoboLAB, summer camps and the yearly all India level robotics competition organized by us (TRICKS), it is evident that students are totally immersed in the guided and open ended challenges they are presented with and often do not want to stop-not even for lunch break.

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